Issue №: 1(112)
The journal solves the problems of creation and improvement of machinery and technologies for agriculture: 131 - Applied Mechanics, 132 - Materials Science, 133 - Industrial Engineering, 141 - Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics, 208 - Agricultural Engineering.
Vadym Paziuk – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher at the Institute of Technical Thermophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2 Bulakhovskogo st., Building 2, Kiev, 03164, Ukraine, e-mail: vadim_pazuk@ukr.net, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4955-1941).
Oleksii Tokarchuk – PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of “Technological Processes and Equipment of Processing and Food Productions” of the Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (3, Solnyshchaya St., Vinnytsia, 21008, Ukraine, e-mail: tokarchuk@vsau.vin.ua, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8036-1743).
Dina Tokarchuk – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of the Administrative Management and Alternative Energy Resources, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (21008, Vinnytsia, 3 Soniachna str., е-mail: tokarchyk_dina@ukr.net, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6341-4452 ).
Energy resources are of great importance for human life. Today, the intensive spread of renewable energy sources (RES) in the world is the result of complex political, social, economic and natural resources that have been developing over the past 40-50 years. These processes are associated with different levels and dynamics of economic development of states, an increase in energy consumption, an uneven distribution of natural resources, an increase in the world's population and climatic changes. The energy-saving way of economic development presupposes a significant reduction per unit of product consumption of fuel, electricity and heat at the final stage of their consumption; improvement of production, transportation, transformation and storage of energy resources; improving the structure of the energy balance in the direction of replacing scarce and expensive energy resources in it with cheap and affordable renewable energy sources. The growth of production and consumption is inextricably linked with the development of society, throughout its development it is fighting to increase its energy balance. The struggle for energy, for its source, for the discovery of new ways of transforming and using it is going on continuously and at an ever-increasing pace. The development of renewable energy sources in the world is associated with limited energy resources. From renewable energy sources, the use of solar energy, wind energy, water energy, environmental energy, geothermal energy, biomass energy has been obtained. Most of all in Ukraine, biomass energy is used to obtain thermal energy. Also, the use of environmental energy has been developed due to the introduction of heat pumps in heating systems of buildings, in the technological processes of drying and cooling.
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About journal
131 - Applied Mechanics
132 - Materials Science
133 - Industry engineering
141 - Power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics
208 - Agricultural engineering
The magazine "Engineering, Energy, Transport AIC" is included in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine on technical sciences
(Category "Б", Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 02.07.2020 №886)
Old version of site: http://tetapk.vsau.edu.ua, http://techjournal.vsau.org
According to the decision of National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine from 25.04.2024 No. 1337 the scientific journal «Engineering, Energy, Transport AIC» has the ID of the Media R30-05173.
The journal "Engineering, Energy, Transport AIC" is indexed according to the following databases and catalogs:
Certificate of state registration of mass media: No. 21906-11806 P dated 03/12/2016.
Founder of the journal: Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
Editor-in-chief: Olexii TOKARCHUK - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, VNAU (Vinnytsia)
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Vitalii YAROPUD - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, VNAU (Vinnytsia)
Executive Secretary: Yuriy POLIEVODA - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, VNAU (Vinnytsia)
Members of the Editorial Board:
Oleg TSURKAN – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (Ukraine)
Volodymyr BULGAKOV – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor, Acad. NAAS, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine)
Rostislav ISKOVICH-LOTOTSKY – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor, Vinnytsia National Technical University (Ukraine)
Yuliia SALENKO – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University (Ukraine)
Igor KUPCHUK – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (Ukraine)
Serhii SHARHORODSKYI – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (Ukraine)
Valerii HRANIAK – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (Ukraine)
Anatoly SPIRIN – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (Ukraine)
Olena SOLONA – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (Ukraine)
Igor TVERDOKHLIB – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (Ukraine)
Yaroslav IVANCHUK – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor, Vinnytsia National Technical University (Ukraine)
Foreign members of the editorial board
Jordan Todorov MAXIMOV – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor, Technical University of Gabrovo (Bulgaria)
Audrius ŽUNDA – Ph.D., Associate Professor, Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas, Lithuania)
Type of publication: journal
Kind of publication: scientific
Publication status: domestic
Year of foundation: 1997
Periodicity: 4 times per year
Volume: 18-20 conv. print. sheet (А4)
ISSN: 2520-6168 (print version), (online version)
Language of publication: (mixed languages) Ukrainian, English
The sphere of distribution and category of readers: national, foreign, faculty, scientists, entrepreneurs.
The periodical edition is included to the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine on technical sciences, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in 05.16.2016, No. 515.
The journal "Engineering, Energy, Transport AIC" is included in the "Catalog of Ukrainian Publications".
Subscription to the journal can be issued in each post office. The subscription index is 99720.
It was founded in 1997 under the title "Bulletin of the Vinnitsa State Agricultural Institute." According to the Decree of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine of September 11, 1997, this publication received the status of a professional in which it is allowed to publish the main results of dissertation researches.
In 2001-2014 the journal published under the title “Collection of scientific works of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University. Series: Technical Sciences "(Certificate of State Registration of Mass Media KV No. 16644-5116 PR of 04/30/2010).
Since 2015 journal has title "Engineering, Energy, Transport AIC" (Certificate of State Registration of Mass Media No. 21906-11806 P dated 03/12/2016).